To The Community,

It is with a heavy heart that we announce we will no longer be updating Back in 2007, when we started, there was a lack of access to information about film, television, and commercial editing. We wanted to fix that by creating a central location for content about editing to be stored.

Since then, we've watched the amount of content about editing on the internet grow exponentially. We've also watched social media tools come and go with that growth. Does anyone remember Google Wave!? These social media tools changed how people access and search for media and information. People tend to turn to Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram for their news and information, and those are all great tools to promote your sites, but as a site that aggregates links to other sites for users, it just doesn't work for us.

We will keep the site live but archive the ability to add links and comments. We will keep our database live with the links for those who desire to use it to search for editing information and research.

Our podcast, The Cutting Room, will move over to the website and will continue to be a place for interviews with editors and other film professionals.

Everyone who worked for loved what we created and are proud that we could help so many editors find content that spoke to them.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the various post events worldwide in the coming years!

Yours truly,
Gordon Burkell Founder

Audiocastle Announces Partnership with One Thousand Birds

January 17, 2022, 09:27 PM

Audiocastle has announced a partnership with One Thousand Birds (OTB). The deal allies the original music company with the global audio postproduction firm as it continues to expand its scale and scope of offerings dedicated to the needs of commercials and branded content. Dedicated to providing commercials with original music, joining forces with the award-winning audio company integrates a full suite of sound services into Audiocastle's offerings. The new association brings together two ...

#audio#mixing#music#audio post#original music#audio design
Sound On Screen: unique post-production library

May 4, 2020, 03:57 PM

Sound on Screen is a new audio library for post production that is a genuine first - designed to be the sound for your character's screen. Sound on Screen offers original audio clips of movies, TV shows and games, licensed as regular production music:

#audio#post production#music#video editing#dialogue#sound#sound effects#dubbing#production music
DVG Installs Calrec Into WSLS’ Broadcast Studio

January 30, 2020, 03:53 PM

Brio 12 Compact Digital Audio Broadcast Console Provides Quality, Smooth Integration and Cost-Effective Solution for Station’s New Broadcast Studio

NUGEN Audio Awarded Chinese Trademark

December 12, 2019, 03:58 PM

NUGEN Audio is pleased to announce that the brand has earned an official trademark in China.

#audio#broadcast#nugen audio
The Sound of a Fazioli Piano is Captured by DPA

November 7, 2019, 06:56 PM

Sound Designer Paolo Principi chose DPA for this prestigious recording project because he knew he could rely on them not to color the sound in any way.

#audio#microphone#dpa microphones
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