February 11, 2016, 06:57 AM
Joel and Ethan Coen’s Hail, Caesar! is a throw-back to the big studio films of the 1950s. Equally ‘throw-back’ were the film’s visual effects - these involved effects for the actual film itself, effects for the film’s ‘movies within a movie’ that looked to match the way special effects would have been completed at that time, and effects that somewhat blurred those lines. Visual effects supervisor Dan Schrecker tells fxguide in his own words how Psyop, which was the sole vendor on H...
Daniel George McDonald sits down to discuss creating the finale for Cheer Season 2.
Gordon sits down with the editorial team of The Black Lady Sketch Show to discuss their approach to ...
Gordon sits down with Philip to discuss his work with Tyler Perry and his latest film A Madea Homeco...
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