To The Community,

It is with a heavy heart that we announce we will no longer be updating Back in 2007, when we started, there was a lack of access to information about film, television, and commercial editing. We wanted to fix that by creating a central location for content about editing to be stored.

Since then, we've watched the amount of content about editing on the internet grow exponentially. We've also watched social media tools come and go with that growth. Does anyone remember Google Wave!? These social media tools changed how people access and search for media and information. People tend to turn to Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram for their news and information, and those are all great tools to promote your sites, but as a site that aggregates links to other sites for users, it just doesn't work for us.

We will keep the site live but archive the ability to add links and comments. We will keep our database live with the links for those who desire to use it to search for editing information and research.

Our podcast, The Cutting Room, will move over to the website and will continue to be a place for interviews with editors and other film professionals.

Everyone who worked for loved what we created and are proud that we could help so many editors find content that spoke to them.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the various post events worldwide in the coming years!

Yours truly,
Gordon Burkell Founder

Episode 53 - Lauren's Render Files

March 22, 2011, 11:48 AM

Lauren and Gordon discuss how Lauren lost the tip of her finger last week, the FWFR winner and Gordon interviews the Cut Notes developers.

Useful Videos About Documentary Editing

March 20, 2011, 04:16 PM

A colleague of mine, Steve Audette has posted some useful videos about the art and theory of documentary editing. Steve is a lead editor for WGBH public television and a very talented editor. Be sure to check some of these options out.

Doc. Cutting Interview with Liani van Straaten

March 20, 2011, 09:42 AM

The South African Guild of Editors are hosting two Documentary Editing Masterclasses in association with Cape Winelands Film Festival 2011. Liani van Straaten, editor of Odd Number, gave Cutaway some insight into editing this documentary film which will be featured at CWFF.

Breaking into Trailers

March 19, 2011, 10:13 AM

I've worked on motion picture advertising campaigns for every major studio. My editorial reel is online here, and I'm the reasonably-gregarious creator of a comic strip, here, so I tend to get a lot of inquiries from people looking to break into the film industry, or become editors, or trailer editors specifically.

An Editing Room with a View

March 19, 2011, 09:37 AM

I just got back from one of the most interesting shoots I have ever been on. Our client wanted multiple short pieces shot, edited, and uploaded daily with a 12 hour turnaround. To make things more complicated we would be traveling 6-12 hours per day and every day we would wake up in a new city! Also, as we got more comfortable with the turnaround we would ramp up our shoot schedule from from 2 edits per day to 4.

2011 CCE Workshops

March 18, 2011, 10:11 PM

Last year the Canadian Cinema Editors (C.C.E.) announced series of workshops covering a varity of topics in post-production. They lined up a great set of instructors currently working in the field to teach everything from the creative elements of storytelling in documentary and drama, through to the essential knowledge for many assistants and editors, codecs and colour correcting.

Joe Walker Edits Life in a Day

March 18, 2011, 07:38 AM

Editing a narrative feature is difficult enough. The logistics of it have the potential to be frustrating--the clips aren’t labelled well enough, so you can’t find that one shot you really like, and when you do find it, you can’t use it because Character A’s hair isn’t the same as in the rest of the scene. There’s a dinner scene where Character B’s eyeline is off, but you can’t cut it because then the rhythm gets thrown off and Character B’s confession to Character C in the thi...

Angus Wall and Kirk Baxter Cut The Social Network

March 18, 2011, 07:37 AM

Angus Wall and Kirk Baxter are having a good year. Their work editing David Fincher’s The Social Network garnered them both Oscar and Eddie nominations. And the film itself, in addition to being a front-runner come Oscar night, was a success with both audiences and critics. That might seem like a hard thing to accomplish with a movie that, on the surface, is about the founding of a Website. But The Social Network is less about writing computer code and drafting business plans than it is about....

Dany Cooper Talks Editing (Beneath Hill 60, Aus.)

March 17, 2011, 09:45 AM

2011 AFI Award nominated Editor Dany Cooper discusses editing and her film "Beneath Hill 60".

David Ray, Editor of Scarface, interview

March 16, 2011, 10:55 AM

It's a little shakey and out of focus (The Camera) but the content, what he is saying is quite interesting, his start, his learning process and more!

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