To The Community,

It is with a heavy heart that we announce we will no longer be updating Back in 2007, when we started, there was a lack of access to information about film, television, and commercial editing. We wanted to fix that by creating a central location for content about editing to be stored.

Since then, we've watched the amount of content about editing on the internet grow exponentially. We've also watched social media tools come and go with that growth. Does anyone remember Google Wave!? These social media tools changed how people access and search for media and information. People tend to turn to Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram for their news and information, and those are all great tools to promote your sites, but as a site that aggregates links to other sites for users, it just doesn't work for us.

We will keep the site live but archive the ability to add links and comments. We will keep our database live with the links for those who desire to use it to search for editing information and research.

Our podcast, The Cutting Room, will move over to the website and will continue to be a place for interviews with editors and other film professionals.

Everyone who worked for loved what we created and are proud that we could help so many editors find content that spoke to them.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the various post events worldwide in the coming years!

Yours truly,
Gordon Burkell Founder

Dede Allen - Little Big Man QT

July 5, 2010, 01:58 PM

Dede Allen discusses her emotional engagement with the characters of her work.

Dede Allen and Robert Wise QT

July 5, 2010, 01:57 PM

Dede Allen and Robert Wise talk on a panel about their work.

Remembering Dede: The Julia Child of the Cutting

July 5, 2010, 01:53 PM

I feel so grateful to be able to speak about Dede today. I know many of you knew her well––some for decades, some for a lifetime. It’s Rashomon now. Each of us has his or her own particular vision of her, and every one is true.

A Better Editfest

July 3, 2010, 12:29 PM

What do you call an energetic gathering of some of the top editors from past and present, East coast and West coast, who finish their day and a half convocation with a mind numbing look at the complexities of editing Cameron's singular Avatar?

Post Production Starts in Pre...

July 2, 2010, 12:30 PM

It might surprise some to learn that the most important part of post-production for an independent film is the pre-production phase. Before shooting a single frame or pixel, the first decision any independent moviemaker should make is to scout an indie-friendly, post-production facility. Achieving success cannot occur without tediously planning for the end of the production. It becomes increasingly pertinent when working with tighter time constraints and the budget of an independent film...

Dede Allen Talks about her Careers Beginning

July 1, 2010, 09:43 PM

A short but sweet interview from TVO on Dede Allen's beginning.

Episode 032 - Michael R. Miller Interview Part 2

June 29, 2010, 11:24 AM

This week Gordon interviews Michael R. Miller, editor of Swing Kids, Raising Arizona, Stigmata and Ghost World as well as many other great films. They discuss his work on cult classics like Farce of the Penguins and Strangers with Candy.

Cutting Commentary

June 26, 2010, 02:48 PM

After opening remarks by Randy Roberts, A.C.E., President of the American Cinema Editors, the DGA Theatre in New York took on a hushed tone as the second annual East Coast EditFest got underway June 11. The reason was that the organization remembered one of its own: Karen Schmeer, A.C.E. Lucia Small, both a close friend and a client of Schmeer's editing skills, stood up to talk about the young editor whose life ended earlier this year from a tragic hit-and-run accident near her home in...

Thelma Schoonmaker Discusses Working With Marty

June 26, 2010, 10:15 AM

"Oh, go ahead and heft it," Thelma Schoonmaker urged. "Everyone else has." "It" was the Oscar statuette she had won earlier that week for best film editing, for The Departed. Schoonmaker, 67, was sitting in her editing room at Martin Scorsese's production company. She has edited every Scorsese feature since Raging Bull, in the process becoming one of the most respected figures in American film.

Norman Hollyn Audio Interview

June 25, 2010, 11:39 AM

Norman Hollyn speaks with publisher Nancy Aldrich-Ruenzel about his new book, The Lean Forward Moment, a groundbreaking title that shows readers how to create compelling stories no matter what their project is.

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