To The Community,

It is with a heavy heart that we announce we will no longer be updating Back in 2007, when we started, there was a lack of access to information about film, television, and commercial editing. We wanted to fix that by creating a central location for content about editing to be stored.

Since then, we've watched the amount of content about editing on the internet grow exponentially. We've also watched social media tools come and go with that growth. Does anyone remember Google Wave!? These social media tools changed how people access and search for media and information. People tend to turn to Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram for their news and information, and those are all great tools to promote your sites, but as a site that aggregates links to other sites for users, it just doesn't work for us.

We will keep the site live but archive the ability to add links and comments. We will keep our database live with the links for those who desire to use it to search for editing information and research.

Our podcast, The Cutting Room, will move over to the website and will continue to be a place for interviews with editors and other film professionals.

Everyone who worked for loved what we created and are proud that we could help so many editors find content that spoke to them.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the various post events worldwide in the coming years!

Yours truly,
Gordon Burkell Founder

A Mass Edit

March 8, 2011, 09:49 AM

I've never seen anything like it - 20 editors were all hired in to edit quick turnaround videos with groups of delegates, all filming on Flip cameras. The room was full of MacBook Pros, at least one iMac, and one editor with Matrox MXO, external monitor and PPM metres. Very well equipped.

Early lessons in Film Editing

March 8, 2011, 09:11 AM

U.K. Documentary Editor John Mister (Assistant editor on Monty Pythons films) tells the interesting story of how he learned to edit.

When to Use Filters and Matte Boxes

March 8, 2011, 09:02 AM

Since a filter is an essential investment into your lenses, glean from the pros with detailed advice on using filters and matte boxes. Join Richard Harrington and Robbie Carman as they discuss the the finer points of DSLR photography.

Apple Final Cut Pro Alpha Transitions, and More...

March 8, 2011, 09:00 AM

OK– so I’ve been a FCP user since 2001 and only recently discovered that Apple provides nine FREE alpha transitions via the Apple website

Recalling our First Five Years in Print

March 8, 2011, 08:55 AM

The Power of Dreaming: Forging Visions that Work. That is the standard that we at Creative COW strive to unite under. In just five years, the COW Magazine has moved from the realms of dreams to a market leader. Read on for founder Ron Lindeboom's personal remembrances and inspiration, and what constantly keeps us at the COW motivated for further achievement -- you, our readers and members.

Part 2: Scripting For After Effects

March 7, 2011, 07:05 PM

In this tutorial, Jesse Toula will walk you through the basics of creating scripts for After Effects. Part 2 focuses on the After Effects specific concepts as we go through the creation of a simple script. After going through this tutorial, you sill have a solid foundation on which to further your knowledge of scripts and how they can help speed up and improve your work-flow.

Premiere Pro on a Mac – what is the truth?

March 7, 2011, 07:04 PM

Premiere Pro CS5 has been a successful release by any measure and many people have come to know about the Mercury Playback Engine. What’s been less clear is what the MPE really is and what it means for users of both Mac and PC.

Biscardi Creative Media opens new 6000 Square Foot

March 7, 2011, 07:02 PM

Gwinnett County, Metro Atlanta, Georgia (March 5, 2011) –Biscardi Creative Media (BCM) celebrated the grand opening of its new 6,000 square-foot production studio and digital media fulfillment house tonight. The event brought over 200 industry professionals together to share in the expansion of both company and industry in the Metro Atlanta region. The expansion, announced last July in partnership...

'Modern Family' Values: Editor Ryan Case

March 7, 2011, 07:01 PM

The editing structure is key to the success of the ABC comedy series Modern Family. Just as editing takes disparate elements and, by juxtaposing them, creates a perspective, the plot construction of Modern Family asks its viewers to accept the fact that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Andy Weisblum, ACE, Editor, 'Black Swan'

March 7, 2011, 07:00 PM

Editor Andy Weisblum, ACE, who recently completed work on Darren Aronofsky's critically-lauded Black Swan, spent a significant amount time on the set of the ballet-themed thriller, cutting sections of the film on his laptop. Weisblum spent years earlier in his career as a visual effects editor—he put his experience to use on this psychological thriller told in great part through the eyes of a very disturbed ballerina (Natalie Portman). The film involves hundreds of visual effects shots, many.....

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